Helpful Tips for Starting a Brand New Vegetable Garden from Scratch

While you might be proficient when it comes to planting flowers or perennials across your garden, if you never tried planting actual vegetables, you might be in for a surprise. This process isn’t as easy as it looks, and depending on the veggies you do want to plant, some of them can be quite fragile and difficult to maintain.

variety of fresh organic vegetables and fruits.

The tips below should help you get started and overcome some of the most typical obstacles involving starting a new vegetable garden:

  • Choose the best spot for your vegetable garden. If you have the choice, make sure the plot is located in an area that’s normally quite shelters and receives a fair amount of sunlight all year round. Call before you dig Utah quality services should be employed before digging to identify where buried cables are so you don’t break them while digging.
  • Clear the soil of any grass, get rid of all the invasive perennial weed roots that might have spread across the soil, and make sure to dig it over carefully.
  • During the early months of spring, before you consider planting your vegetables, cover the soil for a few weeks to help warm it up. That way, you can encourage the germination of dormant weed seeds, and then clear any remaining weeds with ease.

Once you’re done with all these tasks, your soil will be ready for planting. Now all that’s left to do is determine which types of veggies you want to plant, and choose the right timing.

The post Helpful Tips for Starting a Brand New Vegetable Garden from Scratch appeared first on Blue Stakes of Utah 811.


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